Wednesday, May 27, 2009


gluten free chocolate chip cookies
I saw this article in the Houston Chronicle and decided to give this recipe a shot. I made a few changes to the recipe:

I halved it, used brown rice flour instead of white rice flour, and only used 5 T. butter. Then I found out I didn't have enough chocolate chips, so I added white chocolate chips.

They turned out good, more soft and cake-like than crispy. They didn't spread a whole lot either. They were a hit with my family, because I hardly ever make chocolate chip cookies. I think the combo of white and semi-sweet chocolate made them extra-tasty.

In fact, as I was writing this my sister came in and said,
"Jenny, those cookies were magnificent!"

That's right, magnificent.

*does happy dance*


Anonymous said...

i need some gf cookie baking advice, as my cookies always seem to spread too much :) did you cut back on the butter to prevent excess spreading?

Jen said...

These do look magnificent!!! Erin I do think that less butter equals less spreading but I'm not sure!