Sunday, September 18, 2016


gluten free menu

I had a lot of fun this weekend. Saturday included lunch with long-lost friends, a bit of shopping, a few minutes of nephew and sister time, and a night full of bbq and good company.

I got a bit of me time wandering around Target this afternoon, finding everything on my list, most of it on sale!

Wishing I had another day before the work week starts again. I feel like I've been moving nonstop.
Maybe I can grab a nap before dinner.

Here are this week's eats:

Second breakfasts:
waffles + peanut butter
cottage cheese + blueberries + almonds

Monday- Honey lime chicken with edamame rice- This was eh. Make this instead.
Quinoa veggie salad
Beef something-or-other. Probably in the crock pot.
Tuna salad + carrot chips
Salmon + broccoli

Saturday I'm checking out Calvin's first T-ball game, being forced to participate in a 5k, then making an appearance at a birthday party.

Sunday I'm headed to New York for another training! Yay hotels and happy hour receptions and free vending machines!

And when I get back, I have another dentist appointment to look forward to. Mugh.

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