Sunday, July 20, 2008

amaretto sour

No cooking tonight, just drinking.

I got a taste of an amaretto sour last night, for the first time in a long time. And, being the voluntary designated driver, I did not indulge. Except I've been craving them all day. Now that I'm safe at home, I can quench that craving. And you know what? These sooo delicious.

A list of gluten free alcohols can be found here.

To make them, in a glass:

throw in some ice.
Add a shot of disaronno (or amaretto, just make sure it's GF)
Throw in the juice from half a lemon, or some sweet & sour
If it's too lemon-y dilute just a tad with some water
mix it up a bit.

drink. repeat.

Mmmm my favorite


Anonymous said...

Hi 'Jacobithegreat,'

My name is Kelly and I'm a college student interning at Triumph Dining, a gluten free publishing company that puts out gf grocery and restaurant guides. While one of my tasks is writing for our gluten-free blog, Triumph Gluten-Free!, (which is how a stumbled across your blog) I'm also writing an article for GlutenFreeda about going to school gluten free. I was wondering if I could interview you about your experience as a gf college student. Email me at if you would be willing to help me out. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

this is how i make mine:
1) fill glass with ice (i like lots)
2) 1 part amaretto
3) 2 part sweet & sour
4) if too sweet: add more amaretto
if too alcoholy: add more sweet & sour

the end ;-)

p.s. these are my favorite!!!