Friday, August 26, 2016

Stir Friday

Let me tell you how much I did not want to cook dinner tonight.

I simply wasn't going to eat. Maybe grab a snack, but dinner was not on my radar. I'm tired.

My day started with a train blocking two intersections that made me late for work, and ended with me staying late to make up the time, only to stay even later to validate a new shipment of pregnancy tests. I didn't want to get a call this weekend because we ran out.

The couch sounded way better than standing in the kitchen making dinner.

Buttt there's this thing called a husband who got pretty hungry and asked for dinner like 3 times.

Thankfully, I'm pretty good at scrap meals. Because I hadn't even thawed the fish for the planned dinner tonight.

I happened to wash and cut some veggies earlier in the week, so they were super easy to toss in the pan for a quick, healthy dinner. Hashtag StirFriday.

Way better than not eating.

gluten free stir fry


Start a pot of rice.

Heat up some sesame and olive oil on medium/high heat. Toss in sliced steak. Brown on each side.
Throw in veggies: I had cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, green beans, and kale.
Sprinkle on some GF soy sauce, fresh grated ginger, and chopped green onions.
Turn the heat to medium/low. Put the lid on and let the veggies steam for a few minutes, until the meat is cooked and the rice is done.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Easy peasy. Sit back down on the couch and enjoy dinner.

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