I always pay attention to what my body is telling me.
Little clues, neurons firing, signals relayed to my brain. Sometimes subtle, sometimes in-your-face.
With my finicky stomach, I especially pay attention to what my body wants to eat. I always eat what I feel like eating; even if it's living off of ice cream and rice for 2 days. I figure if I'm craving it, I'm craving it for a reason. Everyone always asks if I'm pregnant, but I've always been this way.
For instance, I have been craving rice and ice cream the past couple days. This morning I woke up wanting ice cream, but figured I should eat something with some kind of nutrition. So I made eggs, and they weren't appetizing at all. After I ate them, my stomach hurt. I ate some ice cream, and it calmed down.
And I don't always crave junk food. Sometimes it's pumpkin. Sometimes it's tuna. Sometimes it's pasta salads, apples, or soups. But the bottom line is I always feel best when I listen to what my stomach is telling me- and eat accordingly. If I ignore it, I usually regret it.
I don't know why I second-guess myself.
Listening to your body is awesome, and ice cream for a few days sounds like fun!
I totally know exactly what you're saying. It took me a while to figure this out but I definitely do it now too. If my body wants chicken and I eat a bowl of cereal instead, my body will not rest until it has chicken! It knows what it wants so might as well keep it happy!
this happens to me a lot! ...I make food, but I'd rather eat something else, and then the food I made is completely unappetizing.
glad to know others with stomachs with minds of their own are out there :)
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