Sunday, September 1, 2019

snacky dinner because it's too hot to cook

When you're sweating through the armpit of summer, the last thing you want to do in the evening is turn on the oven or stand over the stovetop.

Particularly tonight, after spending lots of time outdoors and soaking in the millionth day of hot, humid weather.

I did not have time to set up the crock pot, and did not feel like a salad, so I am having a snacky charcuterie-ish dinner.

The idea is to use what you have, not heat up the house, nourish your body, and fill your belly.

Today's snack plate consisted of:

-Turkey lunchmeat
-Microwaved leftover roasted veggies
-Hummus with extra olive oil and pepper
-Carrot chips
-A few choice leaves from the spring mix that is rapidly getting wilty and sad
-some GF crackers (whatever is the cheapest at the grocery store that week)

Also frequently making an appearance in these types of dinners is:

-Sunbutter or peanut butter
-Snyder's GF pretzels
-olives/ pickles
-whatever leftovers look good

I like the variety, I get to use what I have on hand, and the kitchen does not get one. single. degree. hotter.

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