Monday, August 3, 2020

breakfast quinoa bowl

Usually I eat the same thing for breakfast. An egg, some greens, and fruit.

Last night we had some leftover quinoa that doesn't really incorporate well into the rest of the meals planned for the week, and I didn't feel like making it into a side salad, so I figured I'd work it into my breakfast. 

quinoa kale gluten free dairy free breakfast

I made a bowl with the following:

kale, torn into small pieces
finely sliced red cabbage
olive oil
salt and pepper
fried egg, over medium and chopped up
diced avocado

It was pretty good, and has kind of inspired me to try some other variations of quinoa for breakfast. 

Not sure how a sweet version would taste, with cinnamon, peanut butter, or fruit, like instead of oatmeal? 

Eh, I might just stick to savory.

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