Friday, August 14, 2009

Iced Coffee

I know, another drink post.
It's really good though!

Iced coffee is super easy to make. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than getting one at a coffee shop, and it tastes just as good.

Start with a glass of ice and your favorite creamer or milk, soymilk, rice milk, whatever. I like to use the flavored ones.

Brew a pot of coffee 1 1/2 to 2 times normal strength.

Pour it over ice, add cream and sugar to taste, and stir.

See? Easy! And I didn't pay three bucks for it.

1 comment:

Amy Green (Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free) said...

Ok...I have been thinking about posting iced coffee for weeks. You beat me to the punch. We'll see how much longer this kitchen remodel drags out...I might need to. :) I love making my own iced coffee. It is so darn good.