Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July picnic

Perfect for a light picnic & fireworks in the park:

apple slices (with orange wedges squeezed in there to keep them from turning brown)


cheese cubes

celery sticks with peanut butter in a baggie (just cut the tip of the bag and squeeze the peanut butter onto the celery for a no-mess method)

Mi-Del ginger snaps (sooo good!)

Fireworks + a picnic + some nice breezes + free live music from the awesome Houston Symphony = a pretty darn good Independence Day celebration.

1 comment:

Amy Green said...

I love when we make gluten-free simple. Not that the cupcakes and cookies aren't worth the time and effort - but when we just roll with it and life our life anyway. Your fireworks pic turned out beautifully. :) So glad you had a happy 4th.