Thursday, April 26, 2018


Sometimes you make dinner plans. Then sometimes when you're on the way to the restaurant, burritos pop into your cute friend's brain and the next thing you know, you're headed to a different restaurant.

Restaurant spontaneity can be scary if you have celiac disease. The unknown! Quick, do a google search! Typically scenarios like that end up with a sad, overpriced salad in exchange for good company, which is not terrible because at least I don't get sick.

However this time, the new route led us to Chipotle. Thankfully, they've got an easy, mobile-friendly allergen menu, which I was able to quickly pull up on my phone and order WITHOUT holding up the line. Sweet.

So I happily enjoyed my bowl (with guac, duh), and suffered no ill-effects from the spontaneous restaurant choice. Gotta love that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was delicious and sorry for the spontaneous change :)