Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekly Menus

Again, posted for your inspiration.

Sometimes there is a huge difference between what was planned and what was actually made. Remember, these are supposed to be a guide just so that there is food on the table. More often than not, we deviate from the plan.

For instance, I've got a risotto mix that I've been wanting to use that's made an appearance on the menu for 3 weeks. It just never got made.

Here's what was planned:

What we actually ate:
  • Mon- Crock Pot Pork turned into the Honey Sesame Pork, which would not go well with risotto so that part was scratched.
  • Tues- Tuna Mac & Cheese
  • Wed- Italian Beef Soup + Cornbread. It made a huge batch of soup so we ate that for a few days.
  • Thurs- Sticky Chicken- a recipe from my coworker that we wanted to try but just didn't.
  • Fri- Probably soup again? I don't remember.

This week, here is what was planned:

And here's what we actually ate:
  • Mon- Black Bean Enchiladas + Corn. 
  • Tues-Thurs-  I had a stomach bug. Hubs ate leftovers.
  • Fri- Hubs grilled hamburgers, with beans.
  • Sat- Crock Pot Chicken & Peppers.

This week's plan:

I'm sure it will deviate in some way, and that's okay. What matters is there is food on the table every night.
Mon- Leftover burgers & beans
Tues- Potato Soup
Wed- BBQ Chicken legs
Thurs- Fish & risotto
Friday- I ate leftovers and Chris had Chick Fil A

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