I got this mix as a Christmas gift.
I tried it in my breadmaker, using the mixing setting and everything. Just plopped the stuff in there and waited 3 hours for bread. I looked through the window as it mixed, wondering how on earth it could all get mixed properly.
The loaf of bread itself is heavy, and seems dense. But, when it's sliced, toasted, smeared with butter and topped with cinnamon sugar, it's pretty good. Although at that point anything would be.
A tad dry, mild cinnamon flavor. With pesky raisins.
It's actually very comparable to the normal cinnamon bread from the store. Unlike many GF breads, it doesn't have that strange starchy texture and it's not too dense. It's not overly grainy or crumbly either. I have to say everything is pretty well-balanced. I'm impressed.
Overall, I might buy this bread mix again. But I'd strain the raisins out first. I'm not a fan.