Monday, August 31, 2015

Clever leftovers: Chicken Spaghetti

Remember how I said the Chicken Stuffed Chiles made a TON of extra filling? Well. Into the freezer it went, and today it got new life as chicken spaghetti.

A super quick dinner that even got compliments from hubs. I get the most compliments from him on my leftover-type scrap meals. Go figure!

All I did was defrost some of the creamy chicken and combine it with GF noodles (oops I was out of spaghetti noodles so penne went into the pot!) and an extra chunk of cream cheese. And peas, because I can't help myself. Peas and pasta belong together.

And yes, it is now acceptable to boil water on the stovetop because the temperatures have dipped below 100 degrees.

Chicken Spaghetti

-Leftovers from Chicken Stuffed Chiles
-boiled GF noodles
-An extra chunk of cream cheese
-Extra shredded cheddar cheese, because I think it needed it
-Ooh, maybe a shake of chili flakes for a kick.

Serve with leftover shredded lettuce and tomatoes from the nacho bar you had over the weekend and call it a salad. Yay for no waste!

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