Friday, July 10, 2015


The carrot. A simple, cheap, often overlooked vegetable.

gluten free carrots

Sometimes I get fancy and cut them at an angle, and sometimes I sweeten them with a bit of brown sugar. Honestly I rarely add sugar, but sometimes they taste better with a bit of glaze, especially when paired with a really salty dish or one with contrasting flavors.

Glazed Carrots

Combine in a saucepan:

3 carrots, peeled* and sliced
1/2 c. water
dash of salt
1/2 T. brown sugar (optional)

gluten free carrots

Bring to a boil and cover, simmering, until they are tender. The time varies. I do this last while preparing dinner, and I let it go for as long as it takes for the rest of dinner to cook. Sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 20. It's all good and a very forgiving recipe.

*I am generally not the type of gal who peels her carrots, but in this case if you don't peel them, the skins get all tough and brown and yucky. Peel the carrots.

gluten free carrots

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